But one day, you realize the clouds have lifted a little bit. For the first time, you notice just how much has changed. The point is to find activities to fill the time and help you become a better person. You’ll start to transform your identity into someone who shows up, does the hard work, and looks smoking hot in a swimsuit.

Sometimes you must put your needs first. Sometimes, consider how your behavior has affected others. Or maybe those crotchety old-timers like to complain about life. Or the newcomer has unrealistic expectations and judges others unfairly. People praised me for getting through the shitshow that was 2020 without relapsing. While I was proud of myself for getting through another year, I felt that their accolades were unearned.

No Offense but Sobriety Sucks SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

I started my days with a cocktail of vodka and Monster energy drink, a concoction I might as well have called “battery acid”. I drank whenever I was in front of a TV. But, inevitably, a bad day would sneak in there. I translated bad days into personal failures. If I still feel these horrible things in sobriety, something is wrong with ME. Before you call me ungrateful or tell me that I am a hop, skip and a jump away from a relapse, hear me out.

  • How can other people have good ideas?
  • Listen as we discuss how sobriety and twelve step is portrayed in specific media, books, movies and television.
  • You’re not alone and it helps knowing I’m not alone either.
  • What a waste of my perfectly good perpetual horniness.
  • I’m a stubborn, recovering know-it-all, which means I don’t like asking for help.

Let’s also acknowledge that most of us who drink alcoholically are self-absorbed. We are obsessed with our own pain and shortcomings but rarely think of others. https://ecosoberhouse.com/ Whatever recovery path you take (and there are MANY), the main thing is to acknowledge that you don’t have all the answers and could use some help.

Sobriety Sucks Lyrics

But you know what else fucking sucks? Blacking out all the time and going broke as a result of my expensive habit. Waking up with the dread of not being able to remember how I got home or what I texted to whom.

We gotta find new avenues to channel our energy and work out our stuff. Sobriety will get better when you are actually open to LEARNING from other people how to be a happy, stable individual. Because the thing is, we don’t actually know. Now, not every program or therapy approach will work for you. But you don’t know until you try, and you have to genuinely try. My past relapses were largely fueled by sobriety’s inability to solve my problems for me.

How do you get better in sobriety if you have no idea where to start?

I’ve let the clock tick way too much the past few years. I lie in bed and whip myself like some cruel slave driver. Of course all of this is a shock. That’s not all you get though; some days are a nightmare. sobriety sucks Here you are in this terribly hostile place called reality, the universe is literally trying to kill you, and this is your life. Bad things happen to everybody, and you struggle with it the best you can.

How can I be right all the time if others can be right some of the time? Not only did alcohol make me smart, it also made me impervious to the alternative viewpoints of almost everyone I encountered. I stop drinking my intelligence potion, work on myself for a few years, and whammo!

sobriety sucks and it’s amazing

Sobriety means awareness of the problems but that awareness sucks. But how are you supposed to fix anything if you’re so drunk you’re only vaguely aware of what problems you do have? Courage is also something that doesn’t come automatically; you have to work at being brave just like anything else. Awareness doesn’t solve anything on its own, and it’s a bitch that hits pretty hard when it’s all new. Forward it is though because, really, what else is there to do but move forward?

sobriety sucks

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