How can it ensure that the 1,000 units it receives are of the highest quality? At the same time, the firm is at the mercy of its outsourcing partner. If a key part of the business is outsourced, the firm has little negotiating power to move – largely due to the significant impact a move may have. As the firm doesn’t have to focus on 100 different components within the business – it is able to focus on factors that separate it from the competition. For example, Nike focuses on designing, developing, and marketing its product, but outsources the actual manufacturing process.

what is outsourcing

Companies can outsource whole departments, such as their IT department, or even parts of a department. Estimates of jobs displaced or jobs created due to offshoring tend to vary widely due to lack of reliable data. In some cases, global companies set up their own captive offshore IT service centers to reduce costs or access skills. Some roles typically offshored include software development, application support and management, maintenance, testing, help desk/technical support, database development or management, and infrastructure support. In the past ten years, companies have increasingly begun to look to hire outside of their company. This is commonly referred to as “outsourcing” and can be an opportunity to minimize payroll expenses and decrease costs.

Types Of Outsourcing

Change to Next-generation, cloud-based ERP systems yield new levels of strategic agility and business insights. Take IDC’s ERP Modernization Maturity Assessment to benchmark your organization’s progress against your peers. Finally, don’t take any steps toward transitioning the work to the outsourcer while in negotiations. An outsourcing contract is never a done deal until you sign on the dotted line, and if you begin moving the work to the outsourcer, you will be handing over more power over the negotiating process to them as well. Although outsourcing had been viewed as a way to lower costs and gain efficiencies, it is increasingly becoming a strategic tool for companies.

what is outsourcing

Knowledge services, including engineering support, product design, research and development, and analytics. “Do what you do best and outsource the rest” has become an internationally recognized business tagline first “coined and developed” in the 1990s by management consultant Peter Drucker. The slogan was primarily used to advocate outsourcing as a viable business strategy. Drucker began explaining the concept of “outsourcing” as early as 1989 in his Wall Street Journal article entitled “Sell the Mailroom”.


Most outsourcing contracts have been billed on a time and materials or fixed price basis. But as outsourcing services have matured to include strategic transformation and innovation initiatives, contractual approaches have evolved to include managed services and outcome-based arrangements. Sometimes insourcing involves hiring new employees, either on a permanent or temporary basis, to execute the tasks being insourced. Companies might need to invest in new equipment, hardware and software when insourcing, and they might need to reengineer business processes as well. Companies engaged in outsourcing must adequately manage their contracts and their ongoing relationships with third-party providers to ensure success. Some might find that the resources devoted to managing those relationships rivals the resources devoted to the tasks that were outsourced, thereby possibly negating many, if not all, of the benefits sought by outsourcing.

what is outsourcing

Baically, the term is used to describe an agreement between two companies, where one company hires another to carry out specific tasks on behalf of the hirer. It also refers to the outsourcing of jobs to lower-cost subsidiaries. Let’s pretend that you are the president of a computer manufacturing company.

Print and mail outsourcing

Outsourcing was first recognized as a business strategy in 1989 and became an integral part of business economics throughout the 1990s. Pete Rathburn is a copy editor and fact-checker with expertise in economics and personal finance and over twenty years of experience in the classroom.

what is outsourcing

Therefore, the tasks that the company would outsource are core activities. Of course, for municipalities and sanitation service providers, these tasks are important to their business. In other words, depending on the business a firm is in, some operations will be critical to its primary business purpose.

How to outsource effectively

Co-sourcing can minimize sourcing risks, increase transparency, clarity and lend toward better control than fully outsourced. Outsourcing can offer greater budget flexibility and control by allowing organizations to pay for the services and business functions they need, when they need them. It is often perceived to reduce hiring and training specialized staff, to make available specialized expertise, and to decrease capital, operating expenses, and risk. The goal of outsourcing services is to reduce expenses and optimize performance while still upholding quality requirements. Outsourcing gives smaller companies a way to compete with bigger companies that have already established their processes and may have more resources. In short, outsourcing is an ideal strategy for staying ahead of the competition in today’s evolving market.

what is outsourcing

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